About me

Joseph K.Githuku

Mr. Githuku fights for consumers against corporations such as big multinational companies,banks, credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, insurance companies and national landlords.

In FCRA cases, he fights for consumer whose credit files and scores are impacted by errors and/or omissions. These cases may involve one or all three credit reporting agencies and companies that provide them with information.

He as fought for tenants against slum lords for years with great results. His last case involving an illegal eviction netted nearly $70,000.00.]Mr. Githuku is a warrior for consumers fighting against unscrupulous debt collectors who violate the law. He used both state laws and the FDCPA to offer consumers powerful tools to fight against bad actors in the collection industry.


Free consult. Free Case Review. 

Dispute Credit Report Errors and stop the damage to your credit! 

If you have disputed an error and it was not fixed you may be entitled to damages. 

Approx $70,000.00 in confidential settlement.


 CONTACT US: 410-650-6796

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